Delphi Bioscience Landing Page

About the company

The name of the company is Delphi Bioscience based in Singapore. The product used to be called the Delphi Screener. We are now rebranding the product as NOPAP but it is exactly the same product. We are a bio tech company that specialises consumer tools to prevent cancers. Our target audience is women world wide aged 30 - 60 who do not want to see their gynaecologist every year for a PAP smear.


The main page should heavily feature our only product. The following links should be made extra obvious: Buy Now, About NOPAP Screener, About Cervical Cancer. There should be a menu with the following top line items Products, Company, FAQ, Contact us, Login. There should be room for sub items in each menu items.

Target audience





1 Week

Measure of success

Click through rate and Newsletter sign up

Final Screen

Let's Work Together

If you have a story to tell or would like to hear some of mine, you can send me a message from the button below.

+880 191 225 6260